
We work hard to make each dental visit fun and kid-oriented because we believe that oral healthcare need not be a scary experience for your child.

Most Comprehensive Pediatric Dental center

Parents and children, welcome to Salman Dental Center! We’re happy to see you and your little ones in our center. We work hard to make each dental visit fun and kid-oriented because we believe that oral healthcare need not be a scary experience for your child.

Mom and Dad, start early.

As soon as your baby is born, gently clean your baby’s gums after each feedings with a soft, damp washcloth. Make this a part of your routine and help your little ones build a lifetime of good oral habits.

Take your child to the dentist as soon as you welcome your baby’s first milk tooth or by his or her first birthday. This way, your child’s dentist gets a better chance of preventing any dental problems.

Morning appointments are best for your child’s first visit. Coming from a good night’s sleep, your child is more rested and much more cooperative in the morning. Also, morning appointments will not pose conflicts on your child’s mealtimes or naps.

Children who enjoy their first trip to their dentists (and their sunny, colorful rooms with fancy paintings on the walls) suggest a promising attitude towards their dental care, health and habits.

Anesthesia & Sedation Dentistry

Oral health need not be a stressful experience.

A lot of people would rather endure the torment of a toothache than step foot in a dental clinic. For those who avoid dentists, sedation dentistry offers to take most of their anxiety away. Sedation treatments can be used for a simple tooth cleaning down to the most invasive of dental procedures.

Sedation dentistry involves administration of oral sedative drugs for procedures that take an extensive amount of time and is best for people with dental anxiety or for children who cannot control their movements. Some medications help create more tranquil, relaxed dental visits, while others control pain, and may even put you into a deep sleep. This can be done for patients of all ages. With the exception of those put under general anesthesia, most patients are usually awake during sedation.

The method and degree of sedation depends on the extent of anxiety and other factors (like age or type of procedure) that your dentist needs to consider.

Sedation is ideal for patients whose behavioral problems make it impossible for the dentist to carry out procedures in treatment or surgeries.
